Sunday, August 8, 2010

I am an enabler...

I happily jump up and run to the back door to unlock the chain when my son says "I gotta pee" so he can pee on the back steps.  I am happy to enable my son to pee outside.  He is almost 4 and potty training has been a nightmare. 

...yep, I'm that kind of Mom. 

... deal with it. 


Saturday, August 7, 2010

... and then there were two ...

I have a new job title... single parent.  It is exciting and terrifying at the same time.  I pray everyday that I don't mess this (him) up big time. 

Sunday, February 21, 2010

I should be working...

but I'm doing pretty much anything to avoid going in.  I HATE the politics of tax season.  As if work isn't stressful enough, people are fighting over who's work you are currently working on. 

UGH!  Is it April 16th yet?

Sunday, January 31, 2010

:::Crawling out of the tax cave:::

Ugh - 67 hours later, I'm putting an end to the work week.  What a week!  Soooo many lows and not many highs.  I'm seriously hating my job right now.  BUT IT PROVIDES A STEADY PAYCHECK.  It sucks that my check is the only consistent money we have coming in right now.  I am in charge of the 1099s for the firm.  Last year, they sent out over 800 forms.  This year, we have only prepared about 500.  BUT trying to keep track of 365 clients and where their 1099 information is has been so stressful!  Trying to organize all the information that is mailed, emailed or phoned in is almost an impossible task. 

BUT I'm trying really hard to focus on my blessings, instead of my woes.  THAT is what I've been repeating to myself all week.  I HAVE been able to spend time in the evenings with Ladik here at the office.  He has been coming here after daycare for a couple hours.  He has been such a trooper!  His hugs, smiles, giggles and kisses are priceless.  THAT is what is keeping me going. 

For the next 10 weeks, this is going to be my life.  My weekly budgeted hours for the next 10 weeks is 72 hours per week.  NOT GONNA HAPPEN!  Ugh, I'm so exhausted already.  There is no way I can work 10 hours a day for 7 days a week or 12 hours a day for 6 days.  No way! 

This is my 10th tax season... something to celebrate... as long as I survive...

Thursday, January 14, 2010

OH the craziest thing about the new house...

is that it is right next door to the house my sisters lived in about 25 years ago!  Crazy!

Rental Update

We found a new rental house!

Over the weekend, we moved into a new rental house.  It is only 5 blocks from the other house.  It is a little bigger inside but we sacrificed the fenced in yard.  There is a tiny yard with no fence.  BUT the upstairs has been completely redone and is definitely well maintained!  The owners are very nice and understanding of our situation.  I'm so excited.  Ladik stayed with my Mom while we were moving.  He called and ran through an entire inventory of his toys to make sure we moved everything.  It was so cute to hear what he was worried about! 

My sister and her husband totally rock.  They helped us move.  We couldn't have done it without them!

We did the final walk-through on the mold house yesterday.  The new realtor denies there is mold present.  She said the mold in Weeman's room was just condensation (really? its green and growing on the woodwork).  The problems in the bathroom are just shampoo residue (seriously? it covers the entire ceiling and extends clear to the door, not just above the shower).  The mold on thebathroom floor is because of poor 'aim' on DHs part (even though it is 4 feet from the toilet).  WTH?  She said my problems aren't due to the mold, but from old carpet.  She could 'smell' the carpet as soon as she walked in the door.  Interesting b/c I Clorox'ed the heck out of the kitchen and THAT is all I could smell when I walked in the door.  Grr, whatever chickadee. 

We gave new management company biatch copies of our old lease and all documentation from the old management company.  She backtracked fairly quickly on not giving us our deposit back.  SO they are allegedly cutting a check for a full deposit refund right away.   I will be soooo glad when we receive that check and it clears the bank. 

I want to put everything related to that house behind us.  I'm ready to move on and focus on busy season and getting settled in our new place. 

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The joys of renting...

Background: December 15th we sent a letter to our rental management company that we were requesting a mold inspection/remediation for our rental house. Then came back that the homeowner is refusing to do the inspection, so they will let us out of our lease penalty free.

Fast forward to January 1. A new rental management company took over our property.

The new company is telling us that we can get out of our lease but they are going to keep our security deposit. She told me that in order to get our security deposit back we would have to get a doctors note stating they think my illnesses are due to mold exposure. WE would have to pay for the mold inspection and prove that is the problem. THEN we would have to take the mngt company to court to get our deposit back. She told me, ‘you know that would be more expensive than your $500 deposit so you really shouldn’t even think about doing that’. I really think she is just trying to intimidate us and that it was just a scare tactic.

• There is NOTHING in our lease about them keeping the deposit if we break the lease early.

• Old management company we could get out of our lease penalty free, keeping the security deposit sure sounds like a penalty to me.

• The security deposit is supposed to be used for damages to the property.

UGH! This is so frustrating. We would like to consult an attorney, but we don’t want to pay through the nose.

We put in our application for another rental house last night. I really hope they accept our application so we can move out of the mold death trap ASAP. By the way, I’m super sick now. Being in the house for three days in a row over New Years really took a toll on me.